Mandatory information of the owner of the website:


Gran Vía de San Francisco, 8-D.
28005 Madrid

NIF G-28766319
Registro Nacional de Asociaciones del Ministerio del Interior Nº7.855
Teléfono: 91 354 05 78


1. Introduction


This Legal Notice regulates the use of the website: (hereinafter, the website) held by ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA DEFENSA DE LA NATURALEZA, WWF/ADENA (hereinafter, WWF/ADENA or the Holder), with NIF G-28766319 and corporate domicile at Gran Vía de San Francisco, 8-D. 28005 Madrid, duly registered with the National Registry of Associations of Spain´s Ministry of the Interior under # 7.855, which the latter makes available to Internet users.

Access to the website is free of charge, except regarding the cost of the connection to the telecommunications network provided by the access provider contracted by the users.


2. Acceptance


Using the website grants the status of user and implies accepting all the conditions and terms of use included in this Legal Notice.

Users should carefully read this Legal Notice on a periodic basis, since the terms of use thereof may be modified.

Some of the services accessible to users through the website may be subject to particular conditions that, as the case may be, will replace, supplement and/or modify this Legal Notice and must be accepted by the user prior to being able to use the relevant service.

WWF/ADENA reserves the power to unilaterally modify the conditions and terms of use of this site. Any change in this regard will be published in a visible manner on the website so the user may see it prior to visiting the site.


3. Browsing, access and security


Access to and browsing through this website implies accepting and knowing the legal notices, conditions and terms of use contained therein.  WWF/ADENA uses its best efforts to provide ease of browsing under the best conditions and to avoid any kind of impairments while doing so.

This website has been designed to support the following web browsers:

The Holder is not responsible for any kind of impairment that may be caused to the Users due to using other browsers or different versions of the browsers for which this website has been designed.

Access to this website is made in a non-secure environment, wherefore the information is not transmitted in an encoded manner.


4. User’s obligations


4.1 Obligation to make proper use of the website

The access and use conditions of this website are subject to the current legality and principles of good faith and lawful use by the user thereof, and any type of action to the detriment of WWF/ADENA and contrary to this Legal Notice is strictly forbidden.

The user undertakes to use this service without incurring any activity that may be deemed to be unlawful or illegal, that infringes on the rights of WWF/ADENA or those of third parties, or that may damage, impair, overload or deteriorate the website or prevent the normal use thereof by other users.


4.2 Request of contents

The User must refrain from making requests of contents offered through this website by using means or procedures other than those made available to it, or different from those set forth in the website or usually used on the Internet, provided further that the same do not pose a risk of deactivating the website or its contents.


4.3 Prohibitions

It is strictly forbidden to use this web for illegal or unauthorized purposes, specifically, without limitation, the following:

  1. Any form of violation of third-party rights (right to privacy, right to self-image, intellectual and industrial property rights, copyrights, etc.).
  2. Engage in any type of advertising using the contents of this website, such as sending unsolicited emails (spam) or similar communications.
  3. Introducing computer viruses, defective files or any other software that may cause damage or unauthorized alterations of the contents or systems accessible through this website.


5. Current nature


The information on this website is current as of the date of its last update. The Holder reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the information on this website.


6. Intellectual property


All the information contained in this website, as well as its graphic design and codes used, are protected by copyrights or other protection rights contained in the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the Merged Text of the Industrial Property Law. This are exclusive rights of WWF/ADENA, cooperating entities and/or their licensors, wherefore any action for the reproduction, distribution, transformation, or public communication is expressly forbidden, as well as any manner of assignment, in whole or in part, of the contents of this site, and generally, any purpose that is protected by the intellectual property regulations under current legislation.

The entire content of the website and all contents available through the Holder’s products and services, including designs, texts, charts, images, video, information, applications, software, music, sound, or other files, as well as their selection and layout (the “Content”) are the exclusive property of the Holder, its collaborators and/or its licensors, with all rights reserved. No portion of the Content of the website may be modified, copied, distributed, framed, reproduced, re-published, downloaded, extracted, exhibited, published, transmitted or sold in any manner or through any means, in whole or in part, without the Holder’s prior written consent. As long as the user is legally authorized to use the web, the Holder grants a limited license to use and have access to the website and to the Content and to lawfully download the same, solely for personal use and for no commercial purpose, provided that all the notices about copyrights and intellectual property rights must remain intact. The Content cannot be uploaded or re-published in any other site of the Internet, Intranet or Extranet without including the information on databases or compilations. Any other use of the Content is strictly forbidden.

The Content of this site cannot be used for dissemination to the public nor for commercial purposes and cannot be modified without the Holder’s prior written consent.


7. Trademarks


All trademarks, logos and acronyms shown in the website are the property of WWF/ADENA, or third parties.  It is strictly forbidden to use any element of this website that is subject to protection under the current industrial property legislation without prior consent. Especially, no trademarks, trade names, commercial establishment labels, logos, slogans or other distinctive marks that are the property of the Holder can be used.


8. Privacy Policy


8.1. Identification of jointly responsible entities

In accordance with the provisions of the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL dated April 27, 2016, pertaining to the protection of physical persons with regard to the handling of their personal data and the free circulation thereof (RGPD), the User is advised that the personal data it provides through the website shall be included and managed in the files owned by the following responsible entities:


Gran Vía de San Francisco, 8-D.
28005 Madrid, Spain

NIF G-28766319
National Registry of Associations of Spain´s Ministry of the Interior #7.855
Telephone: +34 91 354 05 78


Bank Chambers (1st floor)
6-10 Borough High Street
London, SE1 9QQ
Telephone: (+44) 203 310 5919


Hereinafter jointly referred to as the Jointly Responsible Parties.


8.2 Purpose of data

The data gathered through the contact channel ( shall be used for the purpose of managing any potential doubts or inquiries, as well as to send specific information regarding the users’ requests or project updates.

According to the interested parties’ request, the information may be sent by any of the Jointly Responsible Parties.

The contribution of data through said channel is based on the Interested Party’s consent, which is voluntary, specific and informed.

The completion of the data requested is necessary to proceed with the Users’ requests.


8.3 Legal authority for handling the data

The legal grounds for handling the data is the consent that is willingly granted by the Interested Parties.


8.4 Communication of data

The data are gathered by the Jointly Responsible Parties for the purposes set forth above. Interested Parties must also be aware that the data will be stored by the Jointly Responsible Parties both in Spain and in the United Kingdom.

The data gathered by the Jointly Responsible Parties through their website will not be assigned to third parties.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Jointly Responsible Parties may have the cooperation of third parties that provide services and who have access to their personal data and deal with such data in the name and on behalf of the Jointly Responsible Parties as a result of their rendering the services. Specifically, the Jointly Responsible Parties will engage the services provided by third parties who discharge their activities, merely for enunciative purposes and in no way limiting, in the following sectors: suppliers of technical services, companies that provide data processing services, infrastructure management and maintenance companies.


8.5. Exercise of rights.  The rights that the User may exercise are:

  1. Right of access to the interested party’s personal data; the User may obtain confirmation regarding whether the Jointly Responsible Parties handle personal data that pertain to them.
  2. Right to rectify. The User is entitled to request a rectification of inaccurate data.
  3. Right to suppress. The User may request that its data be no longer handled, without undue delay, among other reasons, because the same are no longer necessary, the consent has been withdrawn, etc.
  4. Right to limit the handling of the data. The User may request that its personal data not be used in dealing with operations in specific cases.
  5. Right to portability of data. The User may receive its data in a structured format, of common use and mechanic reading; the User may further request that its data be sent to another party responsible for their handling, as long as this is technically possible.
  6. Right to oppose.  The interested party may oppose the handling of its data and the Jointly Responsible Parties will cease handling such data, except for imperative legitimate reasons or in exercising the defence of potential claims.


The User may exercise its rights by means of a request submitted to ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA DEFENSA DE LA NATURALEZA, WWF/ADENA, Gran Vía de San Francisco, 8-D. 28005 Madrid, Spain, or by email to, in any event accompanied by a copy of its national identity document, passport or other valid identification document.

Apart from this procedure, if the interested parties so desire, they may contact any of the Jointly Responsible Parties, and exercise their rights before each of them indistinctively. In this regard, the interested parties may address ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE FUND, EDF. Bank Chambers (1st floor). 6-10 Borough High Street. London, SE1 9QQ or by email to

If the User has any doubts regarding the exercising of its rights, it may contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency to settle any doubt it may have regarding the same. The interested parties may also submit a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency, especially when they have not obtained a satisfaction in the exercising of their rights, at Calle de Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid, Spain, telephone: +34 912 66 35 17.


8.6. Security measures

WWF/ADENA will handle all personal data to which it has access under the strictest confidentiality, applying the pertinent security, technical and organizational measures according to the applicable legislation.


8.7 Automated decisions and profiles

The Users are advised that no automated decisions will be made, nor will profiles be prepared.


8.8 How long will the data be maintained?

The personal data provided through the contact channel shall be maintained until complying with the User’s request.


8.9 How have we obtained the data?

The data handled by the Jointly Responsible Parties are those that the User has willingly provided by completing the relevant forms.


8.10 What are the data categories handled?

The category of data handled are: identification data.

No specially protected data are handled.


8.11 Right to submit a claim to the Controlling Authorities.

Interested parties are advised of the possibility of making known to the Spanish Data Protection Agency any incident regarding the handling of their data. The Spanish Data Protection Agency has the duty to ensure the observance of legislation and control the enforcement thereof.


8.12 Jointly Responsible Parties’ responsibilities and obligations.

The Jointly Responsible Parties have expressly agreed to assume the following responsibilities and obligations:



  1. Assume the ownership of website
  2. Update the information contained therein.
  3. Update the information pertaining to data protection.
  4. Handle the data guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of the Interested Parties pursuant to the RGPD.
  5. Assume the exercise of rights in connection with the Jointly Responsible Parties.
  6. Assume the exercising of rights with regard to requests addressed directly thereto.
  7. Send the information requested by the Interested Parties.



  1. Assume the exercise of the rights in connection with the requests addressed directly to it.
  2. Send the information requested by the Interested Parties.
  3. Handle the data guaranteeing the rights and freedom of the Interested Parties pursuant to the RGPD.


9. Cookies


Any information pertaining to the cookies used in this website, as well as the options for their modification or uninstalling, are available through the Cookies Policy channel.

WWF/ADENA may use cookies during the access to this website. Cookies are automatic procedures for gathering information regarding certain preferences shown by a user during its visit to a given website. This information is recorded in small files stored in the user’s data processing equipment in an unnoticeable form. Each time the user has access to the given website; these files are automatically activated so the site is set with the preferences shown in the previous visits. In summary, cookies are physical files with personal information lodged in the user’s own terminal and unequivocally related to this terminal. Cookies cannot read the cookies files created by other websites.

The user may set up its own browsing program, so it prevents creating cookies files or shows a warning notice whenever this occurs. The website is accessible without the need to activate the options relating to the cookies files, although it may hinder the proper operation of security mechanisms for exclusive services, or services that need greater security. As a general rule, the purpose of a website’s cookies files is to facilitate the user’s browsing.


10. Hyperlinks


Users who wish to include links from its own websites to that of WWF/ADENA must meet the conditions set forth below, and the lack of knowledge thereof will not avoid the liabilities arising from the Law:

1) The link will only relate it to the home page or main page but cannot be reproduced in any way (inline links, text copies, charts, etc.).

2) In any event, it shall be forbidden, according to the applicable legislation valid at any given moment, to set frames of any type around this page or that enable visualizing the contents through other Internet addresses, and, in any case, whenever they can be seen jointly with contents alien to it, so that it may: (I) cause or may lead to error, confusion or deceit to users regarding the true source of the service or contents; (II) imply an unfair comparison or imitation; (III) serve to take advantage of the reputation of the brand and prestige of WWF/ADENA; or (IV) is otherwise forbidden by the current legislation.

3) The home page cannot contain any misrepresentation, inaccurate or incorrect statements about WWF/ADENA, its employees or the activities it carries out.

4) In no event will the page where the link is located state that WWF/ADENA has given its consent for inserting the same of that it otherwise sponsors, cooperates, checks or supervises the sender’s services.

5) It is forbidden to use any trademark, chart or mixed, or any other emblem of WWF/ADENA inside the sender’s page, except in cases permitted by Law or expressly authorized by WWF/ADENA, and whenever it is allowed in these cases, a direct link to the WWF/ADENA website in the manner set forth in this clause.

6) The page that sets forth the link must faithfully comply with the Law and in no event may it dispose of or link it with its own or third parties’ contents that: (i)  are unlawful, detrimental or against moral and good customs (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.); (ii) misleads or may mislead the User to believe that WWF/ADENA subscribes, sponsors, adheres to or otherwise supports the ideas, statements or expressions, whether or not lawful, of the sender; (iii) are inappropriate or not pertinent to the activity of WWF/ADENA with regard to the place, content and topics of the sender’s website.

In any event, WWF/ADENA reserves the right to forbid links to its website and to demand that they be withdrawn whenever they fail to meet the conditions set in this section.


11. Liability


The user shall be the sole party liable for the infringements it may incur or the damages that may be caused to third parties by the undue or illegitimate use of the website.

WWF/ADENA will not be liable for potential damages or detriment arising from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone outages or disconnections in the operation of the electronic or data processing systems due to causes not related to the company, delays or blockage in the use of such systems due to deficiencies or overloads in the telephone lines, overloads in the Internet or other electronic systems.

WWF/ADENA does not warrant the truth nor assumes any responsibility for the consequences that may arise from errors in the contents provided by third parties that may appear in this website.

Furthermore, WWF/ADENA is also not responsible for the contents, products or services that may appear in the links, directly or directly, through the website, except in cases contemplated in Article 17 of Law 34/2002, of July 12, Information Company Services and Electronic Commerce (CSA) (Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico (LSSI)). If a user considers that there is a site linked with unlawful or improper contents, it must notify WWF/ADENA.

The links do not necessarily represent the existence of a relationship between WWF/ADENA and the persons or entities that own the pages to which they provide access, nor the recommendation, promotion, or identification of WWF/ADENA with the statements, contents or services facilitated through them. WWF/ADENA reserves the right to unilaterally withdraw at any time the links that appear on its website.

WWF/ADENA does not know the contents and services linked and, consequently, is not liable for the damages caused by the illegality, quality, obsolescence, unavailability, error, or lack of usefulness thereof, nor for any damage that is not directly imputable to WWF/ADENA.

WWF/ADENA exempts itself from any liability related to the cookies of unrelated third parties that may be installed in the hard drive of the user’s computer.


12. Communications


For any required communication, send an email to  or a written communication to ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA DEFENSA DE LA NATURALEZA, WWF/ADENA, Gran Vía de San Francisco, 8-D. 28005 Madrid, Spain.

The user expressly agrees to use email as a valid procedure for submitting communications.


13. Applicable law and jurisdiction


The terms and conditions governing this website and all the relations that may arise therefrom are protected by Spanish legislation.

Any controversy that may result from the access or use of this website shall be under the jurisdiction of the relevant courts according to the user’s rights.



In we use cookies that are our own and of third parties to obtain statistical data about our users’ browsing and to show advertisements related to their preferences resulting from the analysis of its browsing habits. If you continue to browse, we assume you are accepting the use thereof. You may change the settings or obtain more information about our cookies policy here.